The Europiir Logistics company

The Europiir Logistics is in the TOP of the fastest growing companies in Estonia. The TOP lists 1105 out of all the Estonian companies, and we are proud to be among less than 1% of the total!

Our company has been assigned the “AAA” credit rating

We are glad to inform all partners that we were awarded the “AAA” credit rating by the British Experian company, which testifies to our reliability and stability; 2016. the certificate of a Successful Estonian enterprise 2016 is right at the bottom of the page. To confirm the presence of this certificate, check the website

Mandatory electronic declaration

Our company offers a mandatory Electronic Declaration service, which comes into force on June 17, 2012. We kindly ask all persons interested to call us by phone +372 6 83 83 03, Skype: jekaterina.kodu.